Thursday, December 9, 2010

A journal from Nascha

Dear Journal,

Hello, my name is Nascha. I am nine years old. I live in the desert with my mother Mosi, which means cat,  Shadi, meaning older sister, and my father named Niyol which means wind. He was given that name because he is fast like the wind. My sister is eleven which explains the meaning of her name. My name means owl. My parents named me that because they wanted me to have good eyesight which I do. Every week, we go to a Hogan. A Hogan is a sacred home. The doors are open to the east so we can get morning sun and a good blessing. We live in a pueblo house made of clay, rocks , sticks, and mud. It is a very pleasant place to live. I also live with my clan. A clan is a group of related people living together. The people that are in my clan are my aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, cousins, and my parents. Sometimes, it can be noisy.
   We eat many types of food. Corn is our staple. That means we grow it a lot and need it. Corn is one of the three sisters. The three sisters  are corn, beans, and squash. We also eat berries, acorns, even prairie dogs! We also eat rats, potatoes, cornbread made from mushed corn. Sometimes, we have grapes and yucca fruit.
   We enjoy a few strange things. One of them is stealing livestock. We started stealing the animals and then decided to keep going. Also, we like to steal things but we must make sure to not get caught and to always steal things that aren't inside. The part I enjoy about stealing is when you come back with something good, the rest of the clan shouts good things at you.  TRICKSTER, CUNNING, BRAVE. They shout out the characteristics that you were. One more exciting thing. My people enslave the  
Mexicans down below us. The scary part is that they do it right back to us.
     Over all, I have told you about my life and the way my people live. We are all most one big, happy nation.  Goodbye for now.


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