Thursday, December 9, 2010

How the Navajo came to steal livestock

   Once, many, many years ago, in Arizona and New Mexico, there lived Navajo Indians. The Earth was very dry then and there was lots of clay, rocks, mud, and deserts. One village in northern Arizona was planning while another village was busy deciding. There had been a big argument with two clan leaders the other night. One had said that they wanted to decide a chief for everyone but the other one wanted to be just how they had been for as long as anybody could remember. This is why they had come to the idea of fighting. Nobody wanted to fight because they all liked to be peaceful but there wasn't any more ideas. There was one side who did want a chief. Nascha was their name. Nascha is Navajo for owl. They chose this name because they thought they were making a wise choice to have a wise chief. The other side, who didn't want a chief was named Dezba. This is a Navajo name meaning goes to war because they were willing to fight to be the way they had always been. After everything was decided, they started the fight.  The main idea was whoever   stole the most livestock for their side by the official date, two weeks from then, would have their choice for ever.
     The fight had started and Dezba were winning. They had claimed an old pueblo house for Their fort and had guards at every entrance. Then, while they guarded all the ways to possibly get in, the others  went to steal animals. Even though  Dezba had less Navajo indians, they were a strong team. Nascha wasn't  dong to well. They had guards everywhere but always seamed to be getting caught. There were no bows or arrows in this fight so nobody could get badly hurt. You were aloud to do what you could with your body though to protect you stolen livestock.
   They fought till the two weeks were over.  One question was in everybody's   minds.

                                                WHO HAD WON!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

 Nascha was very confident that they would be having a chief to rule everybody but Dezba wasn't too sure. One person from Dezba went to count livestock while many guards stood by just in case he wanted to steal one last animal. One person from Nascha went to count how many animals there were and the same rules went to that navajo. The two Native Americans went to the center of a village. This was the day every body was looking forward to. Everyone gathered outside. Men, women, and children. They waited for the final score.

Nascha had stolen 57 and Dezba had stolen 53. There was a big groan and many shouts but there was an anounncemnt to be made by Dezba. It was true that Nascha had more but not all were alive. 10 of Nascha 's animals were dead. It was one of the rules that all animals were supposed to be alive. Therefore, Dezba had won, witch is why there was no chief for the Navajo people. There were leading men who were leaders for small areas but no chief for everyone. This also explains that the Navajo people stole livestock because they got in the habit.

                                                          THE END.

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