Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Navajo Tribe

   Imagine grinding corn in a pueblo house. Imagine living on top of a mountain or in a desert. This is what it was like to be a Navajo Indians. To begin with, they had  hot deserty summers and bitter cold winters. Further more, they ate berries, melons, and hunted small animals. Also, the Navajo Indians lived in pueblo houses.

   To begin with, the Southwest Indians had very sun drenched summers and bitter cold winters. There were many mountains in some parts of the area. There was usually lots of snow on the mountains. There were also very dry parts in the summer. In this time of year, Southwest Indians used irrigation to water their plants. Irrigation is when you dig tunnels in the ground so water can flow through. In the summer, there was barely any rain which is why there were barely any trees. Also, the Navajo Indians lived in northern Arizona and New Mexico.

   Further more, the Navajo Indians had a big variety of foods. Corn is the staple. We eat it lots. Corn is one of the three sisters. Corn, beans, squash. The three sisters grow well  together. The Navajo Indians also eat melons, potatoes, berries, rats, and even prairie dogs. There is also antelope, acorns, grapes, and more. The Navajo Indians also eat corn bred made from mushed up corn. Sometimes, they eat rabbits and mountain sheep. One last food they eat is yucca fruit.

   Also, the Navajo Indians lived in pueblo houses. Pueblo houses are made of clay, rocks, mud, and sticks.  Navajo Indians usually lived n pueblo houses when they were living in the desert. If you lived in the mountains, your house would be made out of poles or logs and would have the top made out of mountain sheep skin. There were also Hogans. A Hogan is a sacred home which the door was open to the east so the Navajo Native Americans could get morning sun and a good blessing.

   Did you know that the Navajo Indians never had a chief in charge of everyone? There were leaders for villages but not one for everyone. Also, the Navajo Indians stole livestock for fun. They were all very tricky. They also enslaved Mexicans which enslaved them right back.

   In conclusion, the Navajo Indians were clever, cunning, cheerful and independent people.

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